Kwame Selormey

Chief Executive Officer

In my role, I strive to serve people, in order to lead them. Listening to their dreams drives me to create a compelling vision that we can all journey towards.

My career involves over 15 years in executive roles, leading reforms and working with organisations and individuals to realise their preferred futures. I’ve also been heavily involved across whole of life services in Australia and overseas, with people of all ages, disabilities, mental health illness and those from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Professionally, I’m an active member of numerous organisations, including Chair of the Refugee and Migrant Services Network of 25+ agencies and the NT representative of the Forum of Australian Services to Survivors of Torture and Trauma.

Outside of work, some of my favourite pastimes include photography, writing and dancing. My dream is a world where equality is so embedded in everything we do, that words like racism, refugee, disability, torture and discrimination are obsolete.

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