Christine Okoth

Case and Services Coordinator

As a Coordinator, I provide tailored child development support to migrant parents on an individual basis and through the facilitation of peer group sessions. I’m also responsible for connecting migrant families to services and community supports that are essential to their wellbeing, integration and seamless settlement into Australian society, along with serving as a contact point, advocate and information resource for clients. Before joining Melaleuca, my passion for humanitarian work led me to become an aid worker in Dadaab Refugee Camp (Kenya).

During those five years, I provided protection support to refugees and asylum seekers who had experienced trauma and torture, as well as coordinating the assessment, planning and implementation of psychosocial programs. My other great passions in life include children, reading, travelling and being with people who are authentic and fun.

When it comes to my dreams, I hope to one day live in a world where everyone is safe and can live in dignity.